Well, it's been a crazy January! We decided to up and move to Canada! So we put our house on the market, and started packing and painting! We took the kids bunkbeds apart so we could paint their room. So for a few nights this is where they slept... out in the living room. Now they sleep like this, just in their bedrooms. Oh I can't wait till we are back to normal.

So one of our best friends here took us to Leo's Place for a "last hoorah!" It was so fun. I can't believe in my 6 years of being in Idaho Falls, I've never been there. It was great fun, and the kids are still talking about it!

As always, my darling Chad is right in the middle of the fun!

Emily, Shelby, Augie, Abby, Riley, Sammy and Jimmy. I don't think Abby is too happy about us leaving! ;)

And here we are, the Deans and Droegemuellers. Life wouldn't be the same without them. They've been there with us through thick and thin. We love you!

Our little sleepy Hailey, with your hair sticking up. She's getting so big, I must be feeding her cream! But still as sweet as ever.

Here's me... trying to smile through it all. One of the hardest commandments to keep I think is to "Be of Good Cheer." It is so easy to get caught up in the stress of life that it can overwhelm you so much where being of good cheer seems ridiculous. But with the Lord, we can rely on Him to help make all things work together for our good, so in the end it will all work out.

My little fuzzy baby.

With all the space in our living room, the girls love to dance. It is quite precious to watch.

I love my snuggly... that my mom used when I was a baby!

Just thought I would take a little picture of our Joy School. This is Shelby, Emma and Augie making fun paintings.

This is a sample of my girls singing and dancing!