Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

We all carved pumpkins. The kids drew out how they want their faces to be, then Daddy cut them out. Emily and Riley were pretty good about gutting the pumpkins, but Shelby hardly touched it at all! But we got tons of yummy pumpkin seeds that all the kids gladly ate! Mmmm. By the way, Shelby did have clothes on, but a touch of wetness got on them when she washed her hands, so she had to take all her clothes off. She's so funny.

Here is Optimus Prime. This was on Friday before school. The kids aren't allowed to wear masks to school, so we just spiked his hair cool. He had a ton of fun at school. We watched his parade, Chad stayed for lunch and for an hour after, just for fun. The whole class loves him there, even the teacher. It was a fun day. That night the singles ward in our stake had a trick-or-treat down by the river. It snowed in the morning, but by evening, it was beautiful!

And here is Gabriella from High School Musical. I think Emily really just wanted the head band that went with the dress. But she looked cute. We got up early to curl her hair, and of course, she did her own makeup. But she loves this dress, she wants to just wear it to school now for regular days! Pretty girl.

This is my princess unicorn! She wanted to be a unicorn this year. Luckily, my good friend Sarah had a unicorn costume! The shoes really were the cutest thing. (You can't see them in this picture) Shelby loved dressing up, but she did not like trick-or-treating. She his behind me or Chad while we did the candy getting! But by the end of Halloween at Boo at the Zoo, she finally realized that it isn't scary and it can actually be fun!

Here they all are as we are off to Trunk-or-Treat! It was a beautiful night. We only needed our jackets. They got a ton of candy at the church. I love Trunk-or-Treat. It is the best invention since sliced bread!

Our friends the Crenshaws gave us tickets to Boo at the Zoo. It was SO fun!! They decorated the zoo all up with lights and pumpkins and booths for candy. We could see most of the animals that were out too. It was a beautiful night and the kids had so much fun. I was worried I wouldn't be able to walk all through the zoo, but we took it slow and I did ok. It really was so worth it!

Here is where the big turtles were supposed to be, but instead, a whole ton of glowing pumpkins! It was pretty cool.

And the spoils of the night! We all of course had to go through our candy and organize them into all the different piles....

...then Daddy got to go through them and pick what he wanted!! No, the kids let him have a few things. But by the end of the night, I don't think anybody wants more candy. I have little baggies, and the kids get to pick 5 candies to put in the bag, and that's their candy for the day. They can eat it all at once, or spread it out through the day. It has worked pretty good so far!

Ahhh! The scariest of them all!! 5 weeks left to go! Man I'm ready! Can't wait for this whole pregnancy to be over and we can move on to... moving around again, cleaning my house again, sitting or sleeping comfortably again! All the fun things in life :) !


  1. So fun, and cute. All that candy...oh how I remember. That is a good idea for dishing out the candy. Love ya!

  2. We still can't stop laughing at that first one of Shelby. Keep it in safe hiding for things in the future such as when she is bringing home her first date, wedding slideshows etc.!!!

    Jess, you look FAB-U-LOUS for being that far along in your pregnancy!

    Love ya!!

    Oh, Dave wants to know, are Unicorn Princesses crowned only after they chop a unicorn's head off and place it on their own?

  3. Cutie pie kids! And you're still uberglam with 5 weeks left.

  4. Oh, Jessica, a picture says a 1,000 words; which is good since I tend to monopolize our conversations. Your kids look great, and you look amazing. I don't know ANYONE who looks as good pregnant as you do. You should be a maternity model (hey there's an idea!). When I am pregnant I just look like an oompa loomap.

  5. Looks like so much fun. The kid's costumes were great! Riley's transformer was so cool! Lots of fun sorting thru all the candy to see what they got. Real good pictures! I'm glad Mom got in there was I was wondering where you were. Can't believe it's 36 days now, going to go fast but not fast enough for you! Hang in ya
