Sunday, December 12, 2010

Work Party

Well, Chad's work had a Christmas party. It was help in Red Deer, overnight. They put us up in a hotel, and had a really yummy buffet dinner. I looked forward to this night for 3 months! My mom lent me some beautiful jewelry and shoes. So here's the story: I spent the day trying to get my kids all ready to spend the night at Crystals. My plan was to get ready at the hotel once we got there. Once there I quickly plugged in my curlers, then got dressed. I went to do my hair, and realized I forgot the clips to hold the curlers in! Great. Oh well, I'll just brush my hair and put it up... oh, I forgot a brush!! Geesh, so I'm brushing my hair through with my fingers, Chad's hair too. Then I get a run in my brand new nylons that I just bought! So, this picture is a good as it got! We had a blast though. Everyone was drunk around us, but we just had fun together. There was a dance too, that we danced a little too. But the best part was the chocolate fountain! Oooh, while everyone was at the bar, we were eating up all the chocolate. Mmmm, soo good!

Hailey's 1st Birthday

Well, our little one has turned one! It has been such a wonderful year with her, watching her grow. She has brought us all so much joy, and we all love her oh so much. As always, on our childrens first birthday, we give them their own cake to dig into. Hailey did the best out of all the kids! This year, her birthday fell on Thanksgiving Day, so to celebrate, we also had a turkey dinner and our cousins and Grandma came! We all had so much fun!

This is one of the first times Hailey stood on her own. Yay!

And I had to throw this picture in. My Emily looked so precious sleeping with her bunny, and flag!

Friday, November 5, 2010


It's Halloween again. This year they all wanted scary faces for their pumpkins. It was fun and we got tons of seeds.. mmmm.

Here is Shelby at Joy School. The other girls, Emily, Miriam, Eyana and Brianna (and Taylor wandering!), all dressed up for a little party at Joy School. They had such a fun time. I think Shelby looks so beautiful in this picture!

Doing a little parade around the kitchen. They thought it was great!

Emily and Shelby wanted to be matching princesses this year. It was quite the ordeal trying to find the dresses in the right sizes. 4 stores later, I have matching dresses! But oh how beautiful they are. If only they knew what true princesses they really are.

Here is my Luigi! He's supposed to be holding his little inflatable belly! He loved this costume and looked so cute.

My little lion! This was Riley's costume when he was little. Hailey hated it! This was about as long as I could keep the mane on her!

Mario and Luigi! Here is Riley's cousin and BFF at the Trunk or Treat. We did the Trunk or Treat inside. I thought it was great. Everyone decorated doors and tables. And the kids were able to wear their costumes in their full splendor, not underneath coats! It was alot of fun!

In the gym doing the Mummy Wrap!

I made 6 batches of cupcakes for the activity. Apparently people were more interested in their candy than the cupcakes!! Oh well, my house sure smelled good that day!

Daddy being Mummy wrapped!

This is a very tired, hungry and unhappy little lion! Poor baby. We didn't have dinner and we were so busy that night we could hardly pay attention to her. But she did so good, until the last minute!

Riley's Investment

Riley was invested into Cubs on October 28th 2010. It was so cute! I love cubs here in Canada. They have this whole "Jungle Book" Theme (I actually don't know how it is in the states). They stand in this circle and he has to walk around it to get to Akela (the pack leader). It was very nice. I'm so glad that Riley loves Cubs. He's working hard to earn badges, and I'm working hard to sew them on!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving... Canadian!

Well, our first Canadian Thanksgiving! It was so fun! Of course I wanted to have it at my house. I've been waiting 10 years to have Thanksgiving with my family! So instead of having just a roasted chicken that I normally make for Canadian thanksgiving, we made Turkey! Mom and Martin came over and Crystal and Jonathan too. We had soooo much yummy food. It was wonderful!

Here are the girls, sitting at their table. Such happy faces... this was the calm before the storm! We love our girls and they love each other. But sometimes things can get a little crazy! Normally they fight over who gets the "pink plates" and who gets the "purple plates". To avoid that, I had Crystal bring her set over so then everyone could be happy... but not all things go as planned. Apparently someone looked at someone wrong and the water works began! But it's fun. They eventually calmed down and enjoyed the dinner!

Here are the boys, after dinner, watching a little football. The poor boys get overrun by all us girls! They gotta stick together!

Before dinner, Chad, Riley, Jonathan and my dad all went to hit a bucket of balls. Dad couldn't be with us this year for dinner, but was able to spend some time with the boys before he had to leave. (We sent a huge platter of food with him though, so he was happy!)

For years, whenever my mom would come and visit me, we would say the night before she came, "So, would you like to come to dinner tomorrow?" and visa versa. Chad would always laugh at us and think we were weird, but it was a thing that we missed so much. Sooo, my mom finally said to me, "Do you want to come to dinner?" And we did!!! It was so fun! And of course so delicious!

Just had to take this picture. Emily and Shelby always play so good together. (Well, almost always!) But they were just playing in my back yard, sitting like princesses and having so much fun. It was cute!

Gotta love my Hailey Bailey! She is standing all over the place, and is always so happy. We love her!!

I sent Riley to a party for his friend, and he came back a Werewolf!!! Holy cow it was so cool!! Hailey was scared of him and wouldn't go near him! It was awesome!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

First Day of School

Emily starting first grade, er, grade one as they say up here! I was so proud of her and Riley. They were so brave going to a new school and not knowing anyone. Emily had a hard time the next few days. She said that it was too long of a day without me. But we resolved that with a special necklace and scheduled a date for us to go on.

So sweet.
Riley starting grade 3. Such a handsome dude!
What beautiful kids! I can't get over it. I'm so blessed that they are so smart too. Good good kids.

So Chad and I had alot of Food Stamp money left over from the States.. alot. So we decided to rent a van and drive down to Great Falls for a power grocery shopping trip. Hailey came with us, and this is her driving at our pit stop at the border!

The van was packed! We only had 2 hours to shop and we got as much as we could of everything. We couldn't spend it all, so luckily, we saw 3 sets of missionaries! We told them to get whatever they wanted! They thought that was awesome. Then after they got what they wanted, there was still money left, so we just gave them the card and told them to finish it up. It was soooo fun. To shop and get whatever we wanted. It also feels so good to have such a good supply for our food storage. It was worth the trip, and so fun to be with Chad and little Hailey.

Hailey does the cutest thing. She always scrunches her nose and breaths in and out. It is so cute! I love seeing her little teeth too!

Taylor and Hailey helping me unload the dishwasher! Such cute little ones!

Here is the date that I promised Emily I would take her on. She was nice enough to invite Shelby to come along. They got all dressed up with make up and everything.
We went to a park that we've never been too. They wanted to get into the baby swings. It was so funny as they just hung there... they are all legs! Silly girls.

Then we went to Starbucks for hot chocolate and Pumpkin Pie Steamed milk mmmmm. It was a fun time. I love my girls and I love how girly they are too. Such little princesses. So Precious to me.