Here is the Fisherman cake I made for Chaddy for his birthday! His birthday weekend he went on an overnight fishing trip to Henry's Lake, and could think of nothing else all month! So he had a fish themed birthday! I LOVE this cake I did. I love making cakes, it is so fun to see something so cute and yummy come together!

Of course we had to have our neighbours and friends the Hydes come over to help us eat the cake. And Uncle Jordan was there too! Happy Birthday Daddy!

Here is my so handsome little man! He went with Chad fishing, out on the lake and everything! Riley caught this fish all by himself! Yay Riley!

A few yards of bubble wrap = way too much fun!

I wanted to do something special for my kids teachers. They were such awesome teachers and I so appreciated all they did for my kids. So I made these sugar cookie flower bouquets! I think they turned out really nice!
Way to go Riley! That's a pretty big fish! You must have had a lot of fun with your Dad fishing. And Mom is very creative with your edible flower pots, what a good idea! And I love Chad's cake, good idea! Blog looks great Jess! Have a good day! Love you! Mom