Saturday, June 13, 2009

My Week At A Glance

This past week we have all been pretty sick. But we have managed to fit in a wedding reception and an X-Box party! This reception is of one of my young women (when I was in YW), Raquelle Packer. She's the first to get married. She looked beautiful and I thought her wedding colours were very unique - bright pink and green - it was really pretty though. She got married in the temple so I'm very proud of her. Then I just snapped a picture of Chad and his buds playing. You will notice that there are three televisions. I think there were about 12 people here this night. They have a blast. I try to limit the parties to once or twice a month. The young men are always calling Chad wanting to game, but once in a while I do have to say no - I like to spend time with my husband too! Anyways, not too much happening but all is well none the less!


  1. Oh fun, her dress is really pretty. And looks like Chad had fun....I would go a little crazy with that, so you are a good wife!

  2. Her dress is beautiful! Matt and I agreed a long time ago not to have any of the x-boxes or nintentos because I know I would be a game consonle widow. Matt borrows x-box from a friend and then he gets his fill and he's done so I'm really grateful for that. But it's good to be able to have some guidelines so that you get to spend time with Chad too.

  3. I'm sure pink and green was so pretty! The boys look like they're having fun!! What about Jess? I'm sure you can blog while they're doing that.
    Love your blog..........Mom

  4. Jessica! I totally stumbled onto your blog! How are you cute girl? Congrats on your pregnancy and citizenship. I've finally had a kid and she is a joy. It's a good thing too because I was sick the whole 9 months. Blech. I'm back in Utah living at "Hotel Inlaws"- long story short, Chad needs a liver transplant, so we wait. If you get bored, check out my blog too! Take care!
