Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy 8th Birthday Riley!

So Riley has been studying Penguins in school. So I made him penguin cupcakes! They are so adorable! I love the icebergs with the rock candy on it! He loved them... so did I!!

The little penguin pulling his bucket load of fish! Love it!

We went to Leo's Place - a pizza place with a funland thing. Riley invited all of his best friends: Jacob and Conner Hyde, Jimmy and Sammy Droegemueller, Lucas Pope, and of course, Emily, Shelby, Hailey and Mom and Dad! Fun was had by all!

I can't believe he's 8!! He has been looking forward to this birthday for a few years! What a good boy we have. He is so special to us, and we are so grateful for him as our son and our big brother. We love you Riley! Happy Birthday!!


  1. I love the cupcakes. You are sooooo creative!

  2. I can't believe he is 8 too!! Man does time fly...and kinda not...it seems like a life time ago you guys were in Utah and I came to visit and play with Riley. Crazy. And you did so awesome on the cupcakes...they are sooo cool!!

  3. _Love_ the penguins. What a lucky boy he is to have you for a mom.

    Glad that we made the blogdom connection. And we didn't really get to chat after the temple, but we are wishing you the best with all that is coming up in the next few months and settling in a new place. And your new little babe is so cute.

  4. Looked like a real fun birthday for Riley! Awsome penguins Mom!! Good job! Riley is getting so big and growing fast. Love from Grandma and Martin

  5. The cupcakes turned out so perfect! Good job! The boys had lots of fun.

  6. You are so talented to make those adorable cupcakes. 8 is pretty special. I can't wait for Tanner to be 8 too! Such exciting times!
