This was so funny. My kids kept coming in the house and filling up ziplock baggie with water. I go outside in our backyard, and this is what I see... they are watering the thistles! Oh it was funny!
I was in the Mother's Room at church one day and I was talking with an old friend from High School who is in my ward. She was so nice and took pity on my plight of being trapped at home with all my kids and no car, so she offered to take us to the zoo! It was so nice. We of course picked the hottest day of the whole summer to go. Riley got a little heat stroke and was miserable the whole time. But the Calgary zoo is really neat. These dinosaurs really move and growl and stuff. The kids loved it!
For Shelby's birthday, she wanted to go swimming. So mom and Crystal came with her kids and we had little cupcakes and chips and had a fun time at the swim pool.
Shelby and Elayna loving each other. Shelby is wearing her new outfit and glasses that Grandma gave her.
It's not a birthday without a cake. Shelby wanted a Diamond Castle girl cake. So I just took the Cinderella cake pan we have and made her purple with brown hair! She loved it, and didn't even know that the cake broke in half when I was taking it out of the pan! Happy 4th birthday my precious little girl. I can't believe how big and beautiful you are. You always make us laugh and smile. You are full of life and are so caring and kind and thoughtful. We love you!
Happy Late Birthday Shelby!! I feel awful that we have missed a birthday. We always spend birthdays together! Now I am sad :(